Fabrice Luraine
Fixing flash bug while redirect_to [#... was committed by Fabrice Luraine
Friday Jul 31
changeset -
Flash features does'nt applies while redirectingwas updated by Fabrice Luraine 06:44 PM ticket -
In file_is_text(): mime_content_type is deprecated and not necessarily availablewas updated by Fabrice Luraine 06:44 PM ticket -
Fixing url_for() bug by a adding base... was committed by Fabrice Luraine 06:44 PM changeset
url_for() stil buggywas updated by Fabrice Luraine 06:44 PM ticket -
Internal CSS _lim_css layout bug was updated by Fabrice Luraine 06:44 PM ticket
`redirect_to` bug with multiple parameterswas updated by Fabrice Luraine 06:44 PM ticket -
Bug setting an error_layout()was updated by Fabrice Luraine 06:44 PM ticket -
Fixing bug setting an error_layout [#... was committed by Fabrice Luraine 06:44 PM changeset
Adding an $exit optional parameter to... was committed by Fabrice Luraine 06:44 PM changeset